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Pete Finnigan's Oracle Security Weblog

This is the weblog for Pete Finnigan. Pete works in the area of Oracle security and he specialises in auditing Oracle databases for security issues. This weblog is aimed squarely at those interested in the security of their Oracle databases.

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Two security bugs found and reported to Oracle in 10g Release 2 already!

I have been in conversation a number of times with Alex Kornbrust about 10g Release 2 and security bugs in it. Alex has found two new security bugs in 10g Release 2 and has this evening reported them to Oracle's security alerts team. Alex will add them to his list of upcoming alerts soon.

You will understand that i cannot go into explanations or example code here. the descriptions that Alex has come up with are: "unencrypted TDE key in the SGA" and "unencrypted TDE key logged to trace file with special events". These issues are in my opinion high priority considering the effect of leaking a key and the new functionality being heralded. The only saving grace is that it is unlikely that there are many, if any customers live in production on 10g R2 unless there are some beta customers who are using this version.

I was also discussing with Alex my opinion that some of the usual suspects in the Oracle security world should maybe invited to participate in the beta (or even alpha) programs of new releases so that fresh eyes are applied from a security perspective to new versions and new functionality that is going to be unleashed on the public.