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Oracle Security Training Course Printed Manuals for Sale Limited are offering the chance to purchase the printed manuals from our Oracle security training courses. We have offered spare manuals that were printed for live classes two or three times over the last year or so and these have always been popular. We try to not have spare manuals lying around as they are not cheap to print for the actual classes so its rare that we can offer spares for sale. We get people asking regularly whether they can purchase a printed copy for themselves and we have always said no; we don't do that as there is work involved in running to the printer and getting them done, getting postage prices and actually packaging and then sending the training manuals to people.

Printed manuals for How to
					Perform a Security Audit of an Oracle Database class

We have until now only provide the professionally printed manuals when we arrange live classes ourselves in the UK so we don't print them too often. They are simply too heavy to carry a bunch of them to a class elsewhere. Also we don't provide printed manuals for on-line classes but do provide a pdf set of manuals for students of those on-line classes.

So, because we get asked by attendees of online classes and also others increasingly we have decided to offer our printed training manuals for sale when requested. This page details the manuals and how you can get a copy

Which Manuals Can you Buy?

All of the professionaly printed manuals are A4 paperback, printed with two slides per page and back to back printing. The manuals are glued spine bound and with a white card cover on front and back. All of the manuals will be printed when you order a copy so they will be the latest versions of the class materials. Printed manuals are available for these classes:

  • How to Perform a Security Audit of an Oracle database (Approx 300 pages)
  • Secure Coding in PL/SQL (Approx 130 Pages)
  • Designing Practical Audit Trails for the Oracle Database (Approx 130 pages)
  • Hardening and Securing Oracle (Approx 130 pages)
  • An Appreciation of Oracle Security (Approx 130 pages)

Note that the Oracle incident response and forensics class is not available as a printed training manual outside of attending the actual class as Pete Finnigan also wrote a book for Apress based on this class.

Note that the Oracle Security for GDPR course manual is not available to buy yet as this is a new class BUT it will be available later in the year.

How Much Do They Cost?

The 300 page manuals are £75 GBP + Postage and packing + VAT per manual and the 150 page manuals are £38 GBP + Postage and packing + VAT per manual. We are a UK business and we are VAT registered so we may need to charge VAT dependant on where the customer is located.

Postage and Packing

We are able to ship to most places that the UK Royal Mail can ship to with tracked delivery so that we can be sure the manual arrives. We have shipped manuals to the UK, EU, USA, Canada, New Zealand and South America in the past. Just ask and we will be able to tell you if it is possible to ship to you and we will be able to get you an accurate postage price.

How to Buy?

You can buy a copy of our printed manuals by emailing to request a printed copy of which manual you would like. We need your name and postal address and we will get an accurate tracked postage and packing price. We can accept payment by BACS or credit card (there is a small fee if you would like to pay by card). Once we have an accurate postage and packing price and you advise us in whether you would like to pay by BACS (Bank Transfer) or Card then we will prepare and send you and invoice and also order the manual to be printed (this takes 2-3 business days for printing). As soon as we recieve payment and the manual we will post it to you!