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Pete Finnigan's Oracle Security Weblog

This is the weblog for Pete Finnigan. Pete works in the area of Oracle security and he specialises in auditing Oracle databases for security issues. This weblog is aimed squarely at those interested in the security of their Oracle databases.

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New presentation on advanced SQL Injection

I just found that Esteban Martínez Fayó has made available presentation that he has written based on a presentation that he has made the G-Con III conference in Mexico City. The page is called "Advanced SQL Injection in Oracle databases" and is a collection of a PDF of the 37 slides that describe new ways to exploit Oracle with SQL Injection including working examples and also how to protect against these threats. The zip file available there includes the pdf and also a number of SQL files and a jsp file.

He covers SQL Injection attacks, exploit examples; how to get around the need for CREATE PROCEDURE, buffer overflow attacks, exploit examples, detection of attacks. Remote web based SQL Injection attacks, web application worms and how to protect against them.

The paper includes some great examples of PL/SQL injections as well as SQL injections. There is also a proof of concept exploit for getting OS Administrator privileges using MDSYS.MD2.SDO_CODE_SIZE and also a proof of concept exploit for creating a SYSDBA user. There is also a buffer overflow exploit example for 10g using the same built-in MDSYS.MD2.SDO_CODE_SIZE. The author also talks about a potential worm that could try and exploit all parameters in web pages supporting an Oracle database.

Anyone interested in Oracle SQL Injection may be also interested to read the two part paper I wrote for Security focus on SQl Injection in Oracle and also a follow up paper on detecting SQL Injection in Oracle. Links to all three are on my Oracle security white papers page.

This is a superb paper / presentation by Esteban Martínez Fayó and well worth reading by anyone interested in how vulnerable their database can be due to SQL Injection issues.