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Pete Finnigan's Oracle Security Weblog

This is the weblog for Pete Finnigan. Pete works in the area of Oracle security and he specialises in auditing Oracle databases for security issues. This weblog is aimed squarely at those interested in the security of their Oracle databases.

[Previous entry: "Some interesting comments about CPU - Jan 2005 on c.d.o.s"] [Next entry: "A script to call SQL*Plus without hardcoding passwords"]

Andrej Koelewijn talks about google stopping comment spam

I was browsing the web yesterday and was reading Andrej Koelewijn's Oracle blog and found his two posts on google comment spam very interesting. I posted about comments to my blog in a post called "Comments have been disabled from my weblog" back in early December last year. I find it quite annoying to have a blog and ask questions in it that should prompt some response from readers that would hopefully result in some comment posts to my entries. This is one of the great strengths of blogs - to get some feedback and constructive criticism and comments on what I write and report. I cannot afford the time at the moment to filter spam being posted manually which seems to be necessary when the stuff I had posted was coming from a different IP Address for each comment entry. The only sensible option was to turn comments off for now.

So I read with interest Andrej's two posts. The first is titled "Google: Preventing comment spam" and points at a google blog entry about this issue. The second is titled "The register on google’s rel="nofollow”" which discusses The Registers comments on the new google tag designed to prevent comment spam. This is an interesting post as is The Registers post Google’s No-Google tag blesses the Balkanized web.