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Release notes for version

No	Type	Description
---	-----	----------------------------------
1	CODE	Login Screen copyright updated to 2018
2	CODE	PFCLScan assembly attributes copyright changed to 2018
3	CODE	About Box graphic changed to company new style
4	CODE	About box style changed to be more modern
5	CODE	Logon screen logo changed to company standard
6	CODE	OEMLogger OpenFile corrected to return a value on all paths
7	INSTALL	All installer graphics updated to use the company standard
8	INSTALL	ct.conf sample config updated to include tokenbuffersize
9	DOC	Added "Running a custom Report" section to the advanced topics in
		in the manual
10	CODE	New Project Wizard updated to use the new company logo standard
11	CODE	New Report wizard updated to use the new company logo standard
12	CODE	Convert Project wizard updated to use the new company logo standard
13	CODE	Convert Project Wizard scan logo changed to better resolution
14	CODE	New Report wizard scan logo changed to better resolution
15	CODE	New Project Wizard scan logo changed to better resolution
16	CODE	New Project Wizard advanced screen removed
17	CODE	The Multiple Database report template added to the cracker.tem project
		template file
18	CHECK	Package.pfp - check added to test DBMS_SQLDIAG access		
19	CHECK	Package.pgp - check added to test DBMS_SQLDIAG_INTERNAL access
20	CHECK 	Package.pfp - Check added to test DBMS_XPLAN access
21	CHECK	AuditConfig.pfp - Check added to test for audit on CTXSYS.DRITHSX being enabled
22	CHECK	Backdoors.pfp - Check added to test for access to CTXSYS.DRITHSX
23	CHECK	Network.pfp - check NET00004 updated to reference that SYS.UTL_INADDR is also
		used in hacker tools suich as sqlmap
24	CHECK	Backdoors.pfp - check BAC00002 updated to reference that 
		DBMS_UTILITY.SQLID_TO_SQLHASH() is still used in current tools such as sqlmap
25	CHECK	AuditConfig.pfp	- Check added to test if audit is enabled on SYS.UTL_INADDR
26	CHECK	AuditConfig.pfp - Check added to test if audit is enabled on SYS.DBMS_UTILITY
27	CHECK	Passwords.pfp - Check added to test access to the SYS.CDB_USER view
28	CHECK	AudPrivilegeAccess.pfp - Check added to test access to SYS.CDB_ROLES view
29	CHECK	Object.pfp - Check added to test access to the SYS.DBA_REGISTRY_HISTORY view
30	CHECK	Object.pfp - Check added to test access to the SYS.DBA_REGISTRY_SQLPATCH view
31	CHECK	Object.pfp - Check added to test access to the SYS.REGISRTY$HISTORY table
32	CHECK	Object.pfp - Check added to test access to the SYS.REGISRTY$SQLPATCH table
33	CHECK	Object.pfp - Check added to test access to the SYS.DBA_REGISTRY view
34	CHECK	Object.pfp - Check added to test access to the SYS.CDB_REGISTRY view
35	CHECK	Object.pfp - Check added to test access to the SYS.CDB_REGISTRY_HISTORY view
36	CHECK	Object.pfp - Check added to test access to the SYS.CDB_REGISTRY_SQLPATCH view
37	CHECK	AudPrivilegeAccess.pfp - Check added to test access to the SYS.CDB_TAB_PRIVS view
38	CHECK	AudPrivilegeAccess.pfp - Check added to test access to the SYS.CDB_ROLE_PRIVS view
39	CHECK	AudPrivilegeAccess.pfp - Check added to test access to the SYS.CDB_SYS_PRIVS view
40	CHECK	AudPrivilegeAccess.pfp - Check added to test access to the SYS.DBA_COL_PRIVS view
41	CHECK	AudPrivilegeAccess.pfp - Check added to test access to the SYS.CDB_COL_PRIVS view
42	CHECK	Programming.pfp	- Check added to test access to the SYS.DBA_IDENTIFERS view
43	CHECK	Programming.pfp	- Check added to test access to the SYS.ALL_IDENTIFERS view
44	CHECK	Programming.pfp	- Check added to test access to the SYS.CDB_IDENTIFERS view
45	INSTALL	Backdoors.pfp - The title and description of this policy have been updated to
		include the fact that it also covers exploits
46	INSTALL	auditor.tem - updated the title of the backdoors.pfp policy
47	INSTALL	auditor_demo.pfp - updated the title of the backdoors.pfp policy
48	INSTALL	auditorlinux.pfp - updated the title of the backdoors.pfp policy
49	CODE	PasswordCrackerSingle.tem created for password cracker project report using
		the new report style
50	CODE	PasswordCrackerMultiple.tem created for password cracker report for use in 
		single or multiple database projects. It uses the new report style
51	INSTALL	PasswordCrackingReport.tem removed from the installer
52	INSTALL	PasswordCrackingReportSingle.tem removed from the installer
53	INSTALL	PasswordCrackerSingle.tem added to the installer
54	INSTALL	PasswordCrackerMultiple.tem added to the installer
55	CODE	PasswordCrackerSingle.tem added to the cracker.tem project template
56	CODE	multiple_db.tem removed from the cracker.tem project template
57	CODE	auditor.tem project template updated to use the new password cracker
		template PasswordCrackerMultiple.tem 
58	CODE	auditorlinux.tem project template updated to use the new password cracker
		template PasswordCrackerMultiple.tem 
59	CODE	InfoMultiple.tem report template created to report on server and database
		informational details
60	INSTALL	InfoMultiple.tem added to the installer
61	CODE	auditor.tem project template updated to add the InfoMultiple.tem report template
62	CODE	pfclscan_repo.css - changed data class width to 50% for data tables in reports
63	CODE	auditorlinux.tem project template updated to add the InfoMultiple.tem report template
64	CODE	AgeReport.tem report template created to report on each users account age and 
		change details
65	INSTALL	AgeReport.tem added to the installer
66	CODE	auditor.tem project template updated to use the new account age
		template AgeReport.tem 
67	CODE	auditorlinux.tem project template updated to use the new account age
		template AgeReport.tem 
68	CODE	ProfilesReport.tem template created to report on each users profiles details
69	INSTALL	ProfilesReport.tem added to the installer
70	CODE	auditor.tem project template updated to use the new profiles
		template ProfilesReport.tem 
71	CODE	auditorlinux.tem project template updated to use the new profiles
		template ProfilesReport.tem
72	CODE	UserPrivilegesOracleReport.tem created to report on each users privileges
		in the database.
73	INSTALL	UserPrivilegesOracleReport.tem added to the installer
74	CODE	auditor.tem project template updated to use the new user privileges Oracle
		template UserPrivilegesOracleReport.tem
75	CODE	auditorlinux.tem project template updated to use the new user privileges Oracle
		template UserPrivilegesOracleReport.tem
76	CODE	UserPrivilegesCustomerReport.tem created to report on each users privileges
		in the database.
73	INSTALL	UserPrivilegesCustomerReport.tem added to the installer
74	CODE	auditor.tem project template updated to use the new user privileges Customer
		template UserPrivilegesCustomerReport.tem
75	CODE	auditorlinux.tem project template updated to use the new user privileges Customer
		template UserPrivilegesCustomerReport.tem
76	CODE	SessionsReport.tem created to report on all logged in sessions at the time 
		of the audit
77	INSTALL	SessionsReport.tem added to the installation
78	CODE	auditor.tem project template updated to use the new session details report 
		template SessionsReport.tem
79	CODE	auditorlinux.tem project template updated to use the new session details report 
		template SessionsReport.tem
80	CODE	apex.tem project template updated to change the order of the timing and multiple
		database report templates
81	CODE	apex.tem single database and multiple database report templates updated to
		the new style reports
82	CODE	plsql.tem project template updated to change the order of the timing and multiple
		database report templates
83	CODE	plsql.tem single database and multiple database report templates updated to
		the new style reports
84	CODE	fnd.tem project template updated to change the order of the timing and multiple
		database report templates
85	CODE	fnd.tem single database and multiple database report templates updated to
		the new style reports
86	CODE	health.tem project template updated to change the order of the timing and multiple
		database report templates
87	CODE	health.tem single database and multiple database report templates updated to
		the new style reports
88	CODE	architecture.tem project template updated to change the order of the timing and multiple
		database report templates
89	CODE	architecture.tem single database and multiple database report templates updated to
		the new style reports		
90	CODE	interview.tem project template updated to change the order of the timing and multiple
		database report templates
91	CODE	interview.tem single database and multiple database report templates updated to
		the new style reports
92	CODE	settings.tem project template updated to change the order of the timing and multiple
		database report templates
93	CODE	settings.tem single database and multiple database report templates updated to
		the new style reports
94	CODE	DataAnalysis.tem project template updated to change the order of the timing and multiple
		database report templates
95	CODE	DataAnalysis.tem single database and multiple database report templates updated to
		the new style reports
96	CODE	DataDump.tem project template updated to change the order of the timing and multiple
		database report templates
97	CODE	DataDump.tem single database and multiple database report templates updated to
		the new style reports		
98	CODE	Project.tem project template updated to change the order of the timing and multiple
		database report templates
99	CODE	Project.tem single database and multiple database report templates updated to
		the new style reports	
100	CODE	TestDatabase.tem project template updated to change the order of the timing and multiple
		database report templates
101	CODE	TestDatabase.tem single database and multiple database report templates updated to
		the new style reports			
102	CODE	TestProject.tem project template updated to change the order of the timing and multiple
		database report templates
103	CODE	TestProject.tem single database and multiple database report templates updated to
		the new style reports			
104	CODE	UserTest.tem project template updated to change the order of the timing and multiple
		database report templates
105	CODE	UserTest.tem single database and multiple database report templates updated to
		the new style reports		
106	CHECK	Backdoors.pfp - Check added to test access to the SYS.KUPP$PROC package
107	CHECK	AuditConfig.pfp - Check added to test if audit trail configuration is enabled
		for the SYS.KUPP$PROC package
108	CHECK	Package.pfp - check added to test the access to the SYS.DBMS_ISCHED package
109	CHECK	Package.pfp - check added to test the access to the SYS.UTL_URL package
110	CHECK	Package.pfp - check added to test the access to the SYS.DBMS_IJOB package
111	CHECK	Package.pfp - check added to test the access to the SYS.DBMS_EPG package
112	CHECK	Package.pfp - check added to test the access to the SYS.DBMS_SQLTUNE package
113	CHECK	Package.pfp - check added to test the access to the SYS.DBMS_SQL_MONITOR package
114	CHECK	Package.pfp - check added to test the access to the SYS.DBMS_ISCHED_REMOTE_ACCESS package
115	CHECK	Package.pfp - check added to test the access to the SYS.DBMS_XDB package
116	CHECK	Object.pfp - check added to test the access to the SYS.DBA_SCHEDULER_JOB_DESTS view
117	CHECK	Object.pfp - check added to test the access to the SYSMAN.MGMT_CREDENTIALS view
118	CHECK	Object.pfp - check added to test the access to the SYSMAN.MGMT_CREDENTIALS2 view
119	CHECK	Object.pfp - check added to test the access to the SYSMAN.EM_NC_CREDS view
120	CHECK	AudPreEmp.pfp - default roles updated to include new Oracle 12.2 default roles