Welcome to my programming and scripting website. This site is off-topic for my main interest of Oracle, security and Oracle Security its contents do not fit into any of my other web sites subject areas. My main interests are Security, Oracle Security in particular, database security and databases in general. One of my other interests is web development, which I have come into mainly due to building and maintaining my Oracle Security website. My off-topic website is also available.
A full and proper (polished?) version of this site will be here as soon as I get time. In the mean time please treat this site as a work in progress. The site will feature any issues to do with programming and scripting, open source software, and anyting cunning software wise. I am also going to document some of my 850 computer, software and harware books that I have collcted over the years.
As with my other sites there is also a plan to add a blog. In fact the blog will be the mainstay of this site along with any papers, links to articles, tutorials, products (free and open source) and tools I add. I will also add a books section.
NEW I have added a new programming and scripting forum to my site to allow discussion of anything to do with programming, scripting, open source or coding in general.